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Life @ The Integral School

How learning takes place at The Integral School

Monday - Friday

Time Activity
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Physical Education
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Fruit & Quiet Time
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Project Work / Study
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Lunch Time & Free Play
01:30 PM - 03:00 PM
Skill Based Activity / Subject Specific Activity
03:00 PM
School Ends

Learning at The Integral School

Much of the learning at The Integral school happens through dialogue and discussion.

The importance of dialogue and discussion cannot be overstressed. It is through dialogue and discussion that the learner is made to participate in the learning process.

Children at The Integral school learn through project-based learning where enquiry and self-exploration is encouraged. Intelligent learning happens when the learner senses that whatever s-he is learning is real and of significance to him or her.

The Integral School does not have a pre-set curriculum or syllabus, at best a skeleton structure that can be filled according to the need of the child. The focus here is on the naturally evolving rhythm of learning. As teachers, we have to be alive and sensitive to the child so that, at every point, we are in touch with the child’s learning needs. Out of this will grow the curriculum. Our curriculum remains open-ended and flexible, always reflecting the dynamism of learning and growing; however, children must learn the facts and figures that will equip them to enter what is called the ‘real world’. And these they must learn in a specific time frame. Hence, in spite of being open-ended and flexible, structure or a framework will not be entirely missing from the curriculum.

The Integral Child

A child growing in an Integral environment of free progress education may end up with the following categories of achievements and outcome:

Progress in General Personality



Problem Awareness

Personal Response

Self Awareness


Adaptable Force

Physical Necessities

Progress in Physical Health

Progress in Mental Personality


Not Distracted

Precise Details

Diverse Subjects


Calm Mind

The Integral Parents

The most important stakeholder in education are parents. Any change in school and schooling will have to be demanded by parents for it is the parents who spend maximum time with their children and therefore have the onus to provide an environment where the child can blossom into a truly independent and psychologically resolved human being.

It is difficult to be “good” parents in such an age of rapid transition. None of us can be sure of what we are living for—the old values are in flux, everyone seems to be questioning, exploring. Societies across the globe are in crises—west or east, it makes no difference any more.

As parents, are we prepared to relearn what it means to be children in an age such as this? As parents, can we ourselves return to learning?



Parenting does not follow naturally from parenthood. Many, if not most, become parents by sheer chance or default. Few choose parenthood. Choosing parenthood is a conscious choice. It is choosing to look at your child as an individual with his or her own unique destiny, his or her unique truth of being; choosing to step aside and allow another life and being to blossom into its fullness. And these are not easy choices to make. The responsibility of nurturing and bringing up a child seems enormous. How to bring up my child? What to do? More importantly, perhaps, what not to do?

Integral Parenting is an attempt at opening new pathways to parenting, an adventure of learning for those parents who want to create challenging yet beautiful spaces for their children to grow up in; for those parents who understand that the richest gift they can give to their children is the gift of consciousness—infinitely greater than all the wealth and property that they can possibly leave behind.

The Integral School is most suitable for parents who: